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Middle schoolers in KICK at Dozier Middle School through  Alternatives Inc in Hampton, VA

K.I.C.K.: Kids Involved in Community Kindness is a Service-Learning curriculum that gives young people the opportunity to discover the joy and satisfaction of service to others while learning that they can make a difference in their communities. With the K.I.C.K. curriculum, even the newest service-learning practitioner can take young people through the steps of a quality service-learning project by simply following the curriculum as it is written.


The multi-week program is designed for out-of-school time settings and includes separate Early Childhood, Upper Elementary, and Middle Grades curricula that will engage and empower young people to make a difference. The core curriculum contains background information, including an explanation of service-learning, best practices of service-learning in out-of-school time settings, general tips about the use of the curriculum, and tips on facilitation, reflection, and journaling.

Curriculum: $275.00
Order by calling: 757-838-2330

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Youth Power students give a presentation with  Alternatives Inc in Hampton, VA
Youth Power

Youth Power: A Guidebook to Engage Older Youth in Service to the Community is a “how–to” manual for caring adults and older youth who wish to implement a service project around a community issue or concern. Youth Power assists in planning and conducting youth meetings, offers suggestions on topics such as recruitment or group organization, provides resources & information on adolescent development and youth engagement, offers tips for facilitation and reflection, and provides concrete, step-by-step guidelines for successful implementation of a service project. Youth Power is a structured tool that can guide youth-led social change, giving more and more young people a voice in their community.

Curriculum: $250.00
Order by calling: 757-838-2330

A 4% shipping & handling charge will be added at checkout to cover PayPal's processing fee

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